Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WWU (Weekly Wednesday Update)


 Congratulations my little nymphs and nymphettes! You've made it another week to this moment we have to share together and i'm exuberantly ready to spread the word about the weekly going-ons within THE MOVEMENT. As the days drag on, we crawl closer and closer to the release of the album that 'Devil's run from': VONPOEVII'S #ONLYGODSRELATE : It seems like everyday his fans are blessed with little structure previews of the construction process for #ONLYGODSRELATE, which in my opinion allows the fan to form a deeper bond once finally hearing the album because essentially, the fan has witnessed the album throughout its creation; from start to finish. The interactive dedication VONPOEVII maintains with his fans is admirable, valuable, and not to mention rare and quite advantageous. That being said, if you haven't gotten to check out the latest #ONLYGODSRELATE update, look below. I ejaculate information, and you my little minions, swallow it. You're welcome.
Our very own YOUNG DEVOUR has a meet, greet, and pop up shop this Sunday, March 30th! This shin-dig will take place in North Hollywood from 2-5:30 PM. Gotta love these meet and greets, plus an opportunity to cop some wicked merch? Who would pass up an opportunity such as this? NOT YOU!!! So follow the little birdy below and memorize this information so that you can support YOUNG DEVOUR this Sunday in NOHO!
Also, if you're on YARAH BRAVO'S side of the planet, you should know that she has a second show in Poland coming up on the 28th! The show is taking place in Wroclaw, Poland. Follow the little birdy for the most intricate details and make sure to snag your spot to support YARAH BRAVO! 
#BREAKINGNEWS: THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A has announced that along with droppin' wicked beats, he's also decided to drop some poetry! He will be droppin' the poems under the name 'Immersed Thoughts' so watch out for the introduction of this alter ego. And yes, I'm just as excited as you are fellas and fellattes. Follow the little birdy below for all things THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A! #OGT 
#BREAKINGNEWS: Miss VIDA KILLZ recently announced the 'Negative Space' vinyl pressing campaign. It will officially launch this Thursday, and her goal is to raise $1,200. So little ones, follow the link below and exercise your social responsibility and do it for the poetry!
Lastly, who would like to see #OGT in Denver CO?! Our very own RAZOR is thinking about organizing some events there, and I encourage all you Denver CO freaks and geeks to follow this link below and blow up his twitter! Lets get #OGT to Denver!!!
Well, thats all for this week
with love,

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