Monday, March 31, 2014

OGT Weekly 3/31/2014

One, among many things that I am excited for on ONLY GODZ RELATE, is hearing from Soulcat E-Phife and Yarah Bravo. Honestly, those two MCs out of all the others on Organized Threat I am least familiar with. One part is due to my ignorance on how to convert currency and not knowing how much their music is. Although I have heard a couple of verses from each artists, their verses on ONLY GODZ RELATE will be their introduction to me. And I am sure it is their introduction to many other Organized Threat fans. I don't know if they realize that their verses on this album are very important, not only because it helps complete what is ONLY GODZ RELATE, but because I hypothesize that Organized Threat fans in North America are not that familiar with their work, they must come correct on the track they are featured on. After stating that, I am not worried at all that they won't. I have realized that every MC in OGT is always focused on giving 100% all of the time and are all aimed at injecting true poetry and intellect to Hip hop and I am sure that Yarah Bravo and Soulcat E-Phife are capable of doing the same.

This is FiascoTheGod and I am here to supply you with the latest Organized Threat news.


Of course what helped birth that introduction was Poetic Death/VON POE VII's decision to officially reveal the tracklist for ONLY GODZ RELATE. This can be gazed upon by clicking here. EVERY ORGANIZED THREAT MEMBER WILL BE ON THE ALBUM!

JMega The God 

JMega The God releases a new track entitled Metal Armz which is produced by Aquarius Minded. Click here to listen. JMega The God's flow was flawless on this track. Looking at the title of the track, I thought of two possible meanings. The first, I imagined JMega The God taking a superhero/godlike form, with literally metal arms. Using these superhero/godlike metal arms, he was able to birth these incredible lyrics. The second, which probably does not apply to this track, I was thinking about guns. That just may be because I've been listening to a lot of trap music lately. lol :)

As It Travels, The Sooner The Sound Arrives

THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. reminds us that he is working on his album As Sound Travels. He tweets, "In the lab working on this next album.. I want to make sure this record is as clean as I can make it! #AsSoundTravels.. coming soon".

Negative Space Vinyl Campaign

As mentioned in the previous OGT Weekly, Vida Killz has started a campaign in order to raise money to make Vinyls of her Negative Space album. There are various different amounts you can donate and each comes with unique incentives. Click this link here to read the incentives and find out how to donate.

Wrap Up

We really are getting closer folks! It is difficult to not talk about the anticipated album that is ONLY GODZ RELATE. Each and every week, at least around the time that my OGT Weeklys are due, new information surfaces about the album. Each week, Poetic Death/VON POE VII embraces what he has created. Each week, OGT fans are curious to what new information will release. The wait will soon be over. April 13th, 2014 ONLY GODZ RELATE. Before you continue with your Monday routine, take a second or third look at the blog, listen to JMega's track, and absorb the news. Oh, and if you are following a Monday routine, BREAK IT! DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! You can now consider me, FiascoTheGod, your savior.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Positive Space

This month has been a little hectic for me on the family side of things, where my usual positive energy has had to increase two-to-three fold. Becoming a beacon of light for someone you love who is going through a tough, life altering adjustment is something that has to be done, even though it may require you to suppress your own emotions to remain a strong force for those who cannot. Family is everything. My dad will be getting surgery in a little over a week (to remove a small mass), and the fear that it might be cancerous is frightening (but you have to try to not think about those kind of things, you know?). Ugh, the body is so complex, man. Anyway, I'm over here sipping on a glass of wine while I do a short little write up on what's new with some of the members of the camp. Here we go!

POETIC DEATH: To hold us over until the release of his forthcoming album ONLY GODZ RELATE, Poe updated his previous album, titled VONPOEVII, as a special little treat to his fans. There's an updated album cover and playlist, so go ahead and check that out over at his Bandcamp page.

DEVOUR: Tomorrow, on March 29th, Devour has an all ages show going down in San Diego. It will be $10 to attend, or $30 to obtain VIP access at the Meet & Greet, and received a poster + picture. Have a look at this flyer for more information.

GAVLYN: If you are a fan of Gav on Facebook, you probably saw some behind-the-scenes photos with her and Snoop (see here, here, and here) on the set of Snoop's GGN. How exciting is that?! Look out for that.

VIDA KILLZ: As you might have hoped for, Vida launched the IndieGoGo campaign where you can contribute in pressing up vinyl of her Negative Space album. Incentives include poems, posters, buttons, a free test pressing, collaborative work, a Skype conversation, and more! It's an all or nothing fundraiser, so if you're a fan of this woman's work, you might as well DONATE HERE! Watch her video update below, too.

FEGGY MIN: If you're over there rocking your exclusive Feggy apparel of t-shirts, hoodies, crewnecks, and bags, but wondering how you're going to keep your feet looking fresh and matched up... question no further. She's getting socks next! Tell me you don't want some of those monsters! Anyway, don't forget to hit up BIG Bazar Store Zurich for the next few weeks, where you can buy Feggy merch and clothing, and even meet up with her on some of the days. Stay tuned through her Facebook page.


I hope you all enjoy your weekend.
Appreciate your loved ones; go hug someone you care about.
Good night!
XOXO, Tiffology

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WWU (Weekly Wednesday Update)


 Congratulations my little nymphs and nymphettes! You've made it another week to this moment we have to share together and i'm exuberantly ready to spread the word about the weekly going-ons within THE MOVEMENT. As the days drag on, we crawl closer and closer to the release of the album that 'Devil's run from': VONPOEVII'S #ONLYGODSRELATE : It seems like everyday his fans are blessed with little structure previews of the construction process for #ONLYGODSRELATE, which in my opinion allows the fan to form a deeper bond once finally hearing the album because essentially, the fan has witnessed the album throughout its creation; from start to finish. The interactive dedication VONPOEVII maintains with his fans is admirable, valuable, and not to mention rare and quite advantageous. That being said, if you haven't gotten to check out the latest #ONLYGODSRELATE update, look below. I ejaculate information, and you my little minions, swallow it. You're welcome.
Our very own YOUNG DEVOUR has a meet, greet, and pop up shop this Sunday, March 30th! This shin-dig will take place in North Hollywood from 2-5:30 PM. Gotta love these meet and greets, plus an opportunity to cop some wicked merch? Who would pass up an opportunity such as this? NOT YOU!!! So follow the little birdy below and memorize this information so that you can support YOUNG DEVOUR this Sunday in NOHO!
Also, if you're on YARAH BRAVO'S side of the planet, you should know that she has a second show in Poland coming up on the 28th! The show is taking place in Wroclaw, Poland. Follow the little birdy for the most intricate details and make sure to snag your spot to support YARAH BRAVO! 
#BREAKINGNEWS: THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A has announced that along with droppin' wicked beats, he's also decided to drop some poetry! He will be droppin' the poems under the name 'Immersed Thoughts' so watch out for the introduction of this alter ego. And yes, I'm just as excited as you are fellas and fellattes. Follow the little birdy below for all things THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A! #OGT 
#BREAKINGNEWS: Miss VIDA KILLZ recently announced the 'Negative Space' vinyl pressing campaign. It will officially launch this Thursday, and her goal is to raise $1,200. So little ones, follow the link below and exercise your social responsibility and do it for the poetry!
Lastly, who would like to see #OGT in Denver CO?! Our very own RAZOR is thinking about organizing some events there, and I encourage all you Denver CO freaks and geeks to follow this link below and blow up his twitter! Lets get #OGT to Denver!!!
Well, thats all for this week
with love,

Monday, March 24, 2014

OGT Weekly 3/24/2014

More than a year later since I started blogging, I am here. I never fathomed the thought that I would one day be blogging for my favorite music artists. But I am here. My writing skills have increased tremendously since blogging for Organized Threat back in October and each Monday is a testament to that. I am in a great position and I am always thankful for every opportunity that presents itself. I find it very difficult to say no, even though I may want to, to an opportunity where people actually want me to be a part of their team. Of course, I never thought about saying no to the position to blog for the OGT Weekly. Denying this position would of been one of the worst decisions I would of ever made in my life. There are millions and millions of music lovers out there but, how many can actually say that they blog for their favorite artist(s)? I am very thankful to be one of those people and because this is true, I really do feel good about myself. To say, "I blog for Organized Threat" is just one of the coolest things ever. Now I can add to the list of "cool" things, I have interviewed Poetic Death/Von Poe VII.
Poetic Death/Von Poe VII Interview With FiascoTheGod & Street Khemistry

If you guys didn't know, I also blog for Street Khemistry. Knowing that Poetic Death/Von Poe VII's album ONLY GODZ RELATE was set to release April 13th, I thought it would be a great idea to obtain insight before its release. That's exactly what I did. Using a 5 Question format that we (Street Khemistry) like to call 5 In The Chamber, I interviewed Poetic Death. You can read the entire interview by clicking here. Below is one of the questions followed by the answer (of course):

5. Why have you decided to release ONLY GODZ RELATE under your alter ego Von Poe VII instead of Poetic Death or even your other alter ego Lord Darcia?

- To be honest, the entire embracement of the idea to really push the “VON POE VII” name came from a conversation I had with my brother JMega The God back in October of 2013 after coming back from Europe with Gavlyn and Papa J. Ruiz. While overseas, I became extremely irritated at the promoters for not putting my name on the flyers. For example, the typical flyer we’d see over there would be “Gavlyn and Organized Threat” or sometimes just “Gavlyn”. The problem was (as I swear this to you), at EVERY SINGLE SHOW the crowd was not only happy to see me there, they went crazy during my set. At every show. I’ve never really had fans in the States, most of fans have always been from overseas or Mexico because all the producers and collabs I would do since I was 16yrs old were with artist outside of the States. So for me it was like “Yo, put my name on the flyer so my peoples know I’m out here”. A lot of my fans are older, they don’t do Twitter or Facebook or none of that shit feel me? So in that sense a lot of my fans missed out on a lot in 2013. I came back and told Mega that I felt like a lot of these promoters didn’t want to put the word “Death” on a flyer and would rather promote sex appeal. That had nothing to do with what Gav wanted, but that’s just how these promoters work. She’s young and very attractive, they’re gonna milk it as much as they can. So yea I came back and Mega pretty much hit me with the science, he was like “Well my nigga to be honest, even though death is a natural thing, it represents the end your physical being. So for you to be out there putting out that energy, it’s going to be harder for you to really pull anything positive from it. Music or not, is death something you really want to be promoting?”. Yea man, that shit blew my mind. So he hit me with that, and we started building on the power of the number seven and how the “VONPOEVII” album should be more of an introduction to VON POE the artist. Dropping the “death” moniker and embracing the godliness that lives within all of us. Oh and just to bring it full circle, I use the Roman numeral in my name because I feel that Rome is to Europeans what Egypt is to Africans / African Americans. I am a Black Man, but I was brought up in America, a White Man’s world. So I want to pay respects to both, even though the Roman’s got their lessons from the Egyptians.

Lastly, my Lord Darcia character came to life at a time when I was dealing with a really bad breakup. So for me, that’s where I want that memory to stay. If I end up going through another breakup or something to that effect, I’ll bring him out again. But as of right now, I’m pushing the VII (seven).

What I really like about his answer is that we, the readers, obtain juicy historical information. We learn that Poetic Death's named was not featured on flyers even though he was performing at the show. We learn why Poe thinks that his name wasn't featured on flyers. We learn about about a conversation that he and JMega The God had. Like whaaat. That's crazy information packed into one answer! Absorb that answer because you never know when a game show host will ask you question about Poetic Death that requires one of these answers! I'm serious!
VON POE VII Will Be Re-released

Poetic Death announced on Facebook that he will be re-releasing VON POE VII with an updated cover and playlist this Friday. Since there will be an updated playlist, this could mean we will see previous tracks that were found on previous projects make there way onto the album. Maybe the playlist is just being rearranged with the same tracks. The first possibility seems more plausible though. It will be interesting to see how past tracks will fit into VON POE VII. He also goes on to say that this will be part one of the Villainz Trilogy. You can read the Facebook status by clicking here. 

May 25th 

Papa J. Ruiz has a big announcement on May 25th. He tweeted, "PEEP: Productive day, Out Here Griiinding BIG ANNOUNCEMENT May 25th! S/o @knowledgevision @joogyjugg #iii #OGT #55".Clicking on the link to that tweet will also provide you with a picture of Papa J. It looks as if he is either do a photo shoot or possibly shooting a music video. By tagging Joogy Jugg in the tweet I can't help but speculate that Papa J. has decided to do a music video for a track that Joogy Jugg has produced.

JG Releases New Sounds

JG drops a whole leap of sounds on soundcloud. Although he is known as a producer for Organized Threat, he is very capable of ripping the mic. The sounds recently uploaded on is Soundcloud contains older verses from him as well as instrumental tracks that he has now decided to release. Check them out by clicking here.

Nicer Than His Name

Tomorrow Razor will be dropping off a surprised "Merch Package" to one lucky fan. The package will include 1 copy of my "Sharper Than My Name" album, 1 copy of my "F.A.I.T.H" album, 1 copy of Papa J. Ruiz's "No Recollection" album, 1 copy of Poetic Death's "Von Poe VII" album, 1 "Lyrical Prophet" poster, and 1 #OrganizedThreat "Silencer" T-shirt. To see what cities he might visit, check out the caption in his Instagram picture by clicking here
Wrap Up

There is your latest scoop on the Organized Threat camp. Before you move on to your next task, please take a second read of the blog as well as check out the interview I conducted with Poetic Death. You are bound to learn something from the interview! I certainly did! You can now consider me, FiascoTheGod, your savior. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Round and round we go

Hello, everyone. I hope you all are well and are having a blast this Friday, as we smoothly move into a wonderful weekend (-fingers crossed). Yesterday wasn't too good for me, as I spent most of the day in the Emergency Room with my father, but thankfully everything is "all right," so says the doctors, for the most part (/end vague story). Today has been pretty good, though, and that good feeling, happy-face vibe has come with me tonight, too. I wrote this post several hours ago, and forgot to copy+paste it into the blog. Good thing I wrote it earlier, too, because I'm on my way to being tipsy. :) Sooo, let's get into it!

VIDA KILLZ: Hey, vinyl lovers! Vida will be getting her Negative Space album pressed up on vinyl. If you're interested, be sure to like her Facebook page or subscribe to her mailing list to get information about the forthcoming IndieGoGo campaign. Make sure you hit up this status and let her know what kind of incentives you'd be intrigued to get in return for your hard-earned money.

YARAH BRAVO: Lady Bravo has been posting several pictures on Facebook, such as the days when she had a pop up shop with Mimi Fresh and Sheila E. called Captain Love Bubble, where they sold exclusive vintage and customized clothing and footwear. Very cool! Also, check her out in a super fresh The PussPuss "Legend" hoodie (here), which was inspired by the Roland TB 303 Bass Line and TR 606 Drumatix. I featured The PussPuss in one of the CrayonBeats Magazine issues, so it's fun seeing her in one of their pieces. Not only has she been posting fierce flicks, buuuuuut she also shared a brand new song! Titled "Carousel," the song was released on producer Trommel Tobi's debut album (who has also been on the road with Yarah as her drummer). Over deep, slow thumping kicks, warm strings, and a lovely vocal sample, Yarah sings in both English and Swedish; it's quite alluring and poetic. Definitely check it out, and listen to it several times. STREAM! "Round and round we go..."

RICS RUMBLE: Since dropping his brand new music video, ya boy Rics performed a song called "Inner Ego," from his forthcoming album, over at Daftstar. Watch that in full view and in HD on Youtube, or in the mini player below.

SARA FLEUR: Sara is in a contest for Miss Manga L'Oreal mega volume mascara. I'm not entirely sure what she's in the running for exactly, buuuut if you know what's good for you, and you're a supporter of this pretty lady, go vote for her RIGHT NOW!

FEGGY MIN: Feggy's clothing will be available in Big Bazar Zurich (in the middle floor, Bahnhofstrasse 79 * 8001 Zürich, Monday-Friday: 9AM - 8PM * Saturday: 9AM - 6PM) on March 24th for TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT! If you're in the area, make sure you visit, grab some exclusive items (maybe this new bag?!), and perhaps one of the days you'll find Feggy herself there (stay tuned to her Facebook page, because she'll let you know when she's there). Here's a flyer.

THREAT THROWBACKS: Papa J posted a throwback photo from 11-12 months ago when he was filming the video for "Antiii," check that picture here. Yarah Bravo posted a picture from when she, Gavlyn, and Poetic Death rocked the stage at Hip Hop Kemp (here). Last, but not least, Feggy posted a picture of her, Gavlyn, and Sara posted up in Europe during a video shoot while Gavlyn was just there (so, not far into the past or anything). Plus, they're all decked out in Feggy Min clothing, too!


Welp, that's about it for today!
Hug somebody, exchange smiles, and radiate with positive light.
XOXO, Tiffology

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The ORGANIZED THREAT tweet above sparked my interest and really got me thinking about my own definition of loyalty. First, I find it beneficial to review the technical definition (and by technical I do mean Google's definition since Google is a very well recognized authority figure nowadays) of loyalty, to see the interpretation i'd be up against in court if need ever be. You know never, I mean someone filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit over the definition of 'Dress'; As much as it doesn't matter to the lay man, this shit is important. The definition is as follows:
  1. loy·al
    1. giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
noun: loyalty
  1.                                       the quality of being loyal to someone or something.                                                                                         
                                                      "her loyalty to her husband of 34 years"                                             
    1. a strong feeling of support or allegiance.
    • plural noun: loyalties
      "fights with in-laws are distressing because they cause divided loyalties"

As you can see, being loyal is technically about 'showing or giving firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution'. Inevitablyeveryone interprets it differently, but roughly the concept is the same. Really makes you wonder though, Is loyalty a characteristic or a choice, or possibly both? If it is indeed a quality, does that mean that if you're once loyal you're loyal forever? If someone cuts you off or otherwise removes themselves from your life, does that mean their loyalty was arbitrary from the jump? What in the hell does 'firm and constant support' boil down to? It seems to me that, as they say, loyalty is a way of life, not a switch that can be turned on and off at any and every whim to do so. Loyalty is static, not variable. But things do change, and so do people. I'm proud to bear witness to The Movement and the group of individuals behind that Movement who profoundly employ loyalty as a lifestyle rather than a loose-ended decision. Sapplings may sometimes uproot themselves or be uprooted due to improper growth, but overall this forest I walk through shades and reveals all the right things in all the right ways. Think about that last one. In the meantime, to help you contemplate your own interpretation of that peculiar thing called 'Loyalty' please enjoy these words of wisdom, and may your own roots be established in the soil that's right for you.



 Now onto the #ORGANIZEDTHREAT updates! 
This week, I am happy to relay that our very own SARA FLEUR is in the running to be the next 'Miss Manga'. 'Miss Manga' is a competition put on by L'Oreal Paris to promote their UK Miss Manga brand mascara. Follow the little birdy below to visit the Miss Manga site, vote for miss SARA FLEUR as the next 'Miss Manga', and stay tuned for all things SARA FLEUR! Support your own. That's what loyalty's all about right?
It looks like DEVOUR UPP fans are preparing to get pumped, as he just announced that he will be performing in Oxnard CA for the FIRST time eva! The details, as far as I know, are as follows : The venue (Fresh Mex Grill) has officially been booked for April 19th. Stay tuned for all things DEVOUR UPP and make sure to save the date and make your way down to Oxnard on April 19th!!! #OGT 
#BREAKINGNEWS: RAZOR the great blessed our ears with some new vocals titled 'Ride Out'. Featuring special guests, this is a leak of off his up and coming project, so I recommend you listen to the little birdy below and share it with your friends. Really though, whats a better way to brighten someone's day then by introducing them to some fresh sound? Tryna get laid? Better then roses; Music is timeless, flowers decompose. Vibe out to RAZOR'S 'Ride Out', Cause' that's what loyalty's all about right? #OGT 
#BREAKINGNEWS: RICS RUMBLE also released some new visuals today titled 'MIC CHECK'. In this special presentation, we get to see a RICS RUMBLE in his most natural state ---> behind the mic with a set of headphones on spittin the way he was made to spit. As always, the poetry is on par and we get to see the beast behind the scenes; vibe out and keep those ears open for all things RICS RUMBLE !!!
Also, our very own YARAH BRAVO has recently announced that she will be performing March 22nd in Bialystok Poland for The Festival of Independent and Underground Culture! Along with information about the exact time of her performance, the little birdy will take you a site with information about other exhibitions at the festival as well as a little article on YARAH BRAVO showcasing a little bit about YARAH BRAVO. If you wanna learn a little bit about her parents and her background in the game, I recommend you take a look below. Don't forget to mark your calendars nymphs and nymphettes!

for this week
until next week

Monday, March 17, 2014

Untitled 3/17/2014

At the time Poetic Death released VON POE VII, I was a brand new listener and there were many things that impressed me about the album that convinced me to stay a listener. One of those things was Poetic Death allowing Overstand Basics to recite one of his own poems on the album. Yes, it is labeled as a skit but I see it as a track on the album (I normally don't consider skits as a track on an album). Why did it impress me? Well for one, it is a sick ass poem. Secondly, Poetic Death basically let another person obtain some sort of shine on his album and Poetic Death was not even part of it. It wasn't Poetic Death featuring Overstand Basics, it was just Overstand Basics. To me, that showed me that Poetic Death is more concerned about putting out the best possible piece of art. If that means allowing a poet to do his own thing on the album, then Poe is willing to do that. As fans/listeners/admirers/bloggers we should all look for that when we are searching for an artist. We shouldn't settle for someone who is not willing to let another artist obtain some shine just because he or she believes that since it is their album, they should be the main attraction and all attention should be focused on them. We should not settle for less because it is our time and money that we invest in.

It's FiascoTheGod and I am here to provide you with the latest Organized Threat news.

Overstand Basics To Be On ONLY GODZ RELATE?

What triggered the thought to compose that introduction was a brief conversation Poetic Death and Overstand Basics had via Twitter. Poetic Death tweeted "@overstandbasics bro can you shoot me that poem again, the email got scrambled". Now I know I may look like an idiot now. There isn't much to come to the conclusion that Overstand Basics will indeed be on ONLY GODZ RELATE but there is a possibility. Of course that isn't saying much when I can basically say something outrageous and go, "well there is a possibility". But no, really...Overstand Basics appearing on the album seems like a possibility.

Update From The General

If you haven't noticed, there has not been much activity going on with the Organized Threat Youtube channel. The general, Poetic Death acknowledges this in a recent Facebook status. Click here to read what he had to announce.

Poetic Death To NY

Poetic Death tweeted that he will be going to New York in May. He confirmed with me via Twitter that this trip will be to shoot a music video with producer Saheed who is confirmed as one of the producers on ONLY GODZ RELATE. You can check out our brief Twitter exchange by clicking here.

The Latest On JG

Producer JG has created a Tumblr page that will focus solely on "background information on [his] tunes". JG entitled his page THE SITES & SOUNDS OF JG. In his first blog post he mentions his contribution to Vida Killz' Negative Space project:

The “Intro” and “Outro” to vidakillz Negative Pace album were actually sent to Vida as one track. She split it and turned the resulting pieces into the opener and closer of this fantastic album.

This is a really good idea by JG. The Organized Threat fans will surely enjoy background information about the music that JG has created. Fans receive historical information and they are also reminded of older pieces of work and may feel inclined to go back and listen to it. (I am not implying that nobody listens to older pieces of music. We don't always remember ever song by each artist, you know?). It would be really cool if other members of Organized Threat decided to do something like JG is doing. Even if it's not on a consistent basis, it will still be intriguing to learn background information, when we do obtain it. To read the rest of JG's blog, click here

Papa J. Ruiz x JG

It looks like Papa J. Ruiz and JG have something in the works. JG tweeted Papa J. mentioning that he would like to have a verse on a beat entitled Butter that he sent him and Papa J. Ruiz gave him the green light. Eventually Papa J. received JG's verse but wants a longer verse from JG. You can peep their Twitter conversation by clicking here

Formulating A Thought

THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. recently sent out a tweet that is composed of his opinion on some MCs. He tweeted, "I feel like some mc's run out subject matter so they go back to same themes Money; choes, drugs, cloths cuz it sells and people will dance". Now, at this moment I do not have a response. Although I do not have a response, I do not think he is out of line either. What I would like to know as I am sure he is as well, is your opinion. You can do so by leaving a comment below or replying to the tweet itself.

Peace To The Movement & Support It!

That's concludes today's OGT Weekly. Make sure you guys take a second look at the blog and after you are done with that, show some love to Organized Threat! You can do so by following them on Twitter and Instagram as well as liking their Facebook pages. Also, make sure to check out the craziest visual out right now, Rics Rumble's Hold My Tongue Remix. And if you know a person or two who are looking for some new beats, show them Threatstrumentals which is a beat tape composed by every Organized Threat producer. Each producer has 2 new beats on there! After providing you with the latest Organized Threat information, you can consider me, FiascoTheGod, your savior.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Aural Appetite

Hello everyone! Here we are once again; it's Friday. Last time you heard from me, I was 27, but now I am 28 (as of Monday). Not that it matters, because it feels exactly the same, haha. It's so good to be here in life, though. Healthy (for the most part), happy, and happening. Anyway, the camp has been up to quite a bit this week, as you have already seen in the posts from Aster and FiascoTheGod. Here's what's new!

POETIC DEATH: From now until March 23rd, Poe's video services are open to the public (that's right, anyone outside of the OgT camp) for a $500 special. However, it's only open to THREE acts, so if you're interested, make sure you hit him up via email as soon as possible to secure a spot (check here for more info).

RICS RUMBLE: On March 10th, Rics Rumble unleashed the music video for the "Hold My Tongue" remix featuring Mack The Shark, Razor, Jasson C, and Foxsta. Turn the volume up. You can either watch the music video in full here or click play on the mini player below. Also, if you missed the original video, go ahead and watch that, too.

SOULCAT E-PHIFE: If you've been missing that Soulcat E-Phife goodness lately, she has recently shared some fresh stuff to satisfy that aural appetite! She released a brand new track on March 11th, called "Always See Another Day". Over upbeat, dusty drums and rich piano notes, she poetically raps about a beautiful love and longing to see a certain someone again. It's a good song, so make sure that you stream and download it now. Also, yesterday, she performed with a live band for Klub Bahö at Cafe Leopold in Vienna, Austria. She posted video that features original footage from her rehearsal with The Backing Beatz for the event.

EMPTY SEV: To coincide with his forthcoming album Seven Empty, Empty Sev had stickers made and is ready to throw them your way to slap around your neighborhood, on your personal belongings, or wherever else you see fit. Hit up his email ( if you want him to mail you some for free! You know you love stickers!

YARAH BRAVO: As you may already know, April 30th will be the date for Yarah Bravo's self-titled EP release party. Well earlier today, she told us all about how she spent the whole night and morning in the studio, where she recorded, edited, mixed, and exported 4 new songs. Commence excitement! "I feel like a vampire. I opened the door and it hurt my eyes, hahaha. I was straight up buzzing with myself, the AKG, the equipment, and a cat, meaaaooow," she said. She proceeded to thank everyone in her life, those that she works with, everyone that supports and looks out for her, and, most importantly, she thanks herself.

"You know what…i'm gonna thank myself too. For living my dreams, despite the obstacles in this world. For nourishing my talents, and not being afraid to grow with them, and see where they take me. Many people find it easier to ignore the heart when it talks. I knew from a young age, not that i necessarily was gonna make music, but i knew i wanted to live a creative life, on my own terms. School was interesting, especially since i mostly went to the classes that stimulated my creativity. the rest of the time i was just in love with Hip Hop and everything it brought to me. That it was hip hop in end that opened the door and showed me the world, is quite cool to me!! u knooooow. I GIVE THANKS. Humble Greetings, Enjoy the weekend. - Yarah"

FEGGY MIN: Feggy hasn't been posting too much this week, but she did share her most recent illustration a couple of days ago. It features the boys of the Korean hip hop/R&B band TROY (see here).

THREAT THROWBACKS: Since I keep seeing members of the camp post old school pictures with each other, I thought I'd dedicate a little standing section for my posts featuring some of them. This week, Vida took part in Throwback Thursday, and she posted up a couple of photos from a few years ago that show her and Poe hanging out (I'm guessing that they were taken when some DeathKillz videos were filmed--speaking of, it'd be dope to see them collaborating in this form again). Take a look at this one (from 2011) and this one. Today, Papa J posted a photo that was taken last summer in Switzerland, while on tour with Poetic Death and Gavlyn (look here).

That's about it!
Until next time...
Go, get your freak threat on!
XOXO, Tiffology

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

T Minus and Counting


Welcome to Wednesday evening of this beautiful week my little minions, you better know what time it is...OGT update time! As the days drag on we grow nearer and nearer to the release date for VONPOEVII'S #ONLYGODZRELATE. Let me tell ya, for this one i'm sha-kin in mah littel boots' with excitement. Sometime in the very busy future I'm going to be making my way over to his cave or dungeon or whatever he calls it to do a bit of harmonizing for #ONLYGODZRELATE along with a few other things which will remain a surprise until the release date [APRIL 13TH 2014]. The date however is readily approaching, and a little birdy [ well a few little birdys] tell me that the album is practically in the 'finishing touches' stage of development. I recommend that you, freaks and geeks, keep your eyes and ears open for this one, and be sure to follow the little tweety below on the most recent VONPOEVII and ORGANIZED THREAT updates!
#BREAKINGNEWS: VONPOEVII will also be in Santa Ana this Saturday performing at SAVE THE PITS! Learn more details about the show and their objective by simply following the little birdy below, and be sure to snag yourself a spot so that you can attend such a commendable experience!
#BREAKINGNEWS: THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A also just recently release two brand new UNRELASED beats: 'Sustain' and 'My Own'! So, and yes you are welcome, please give these two precious jewels a listen and vibe out little ones.

Yarah Bravo also recently announced the date for her release party for the YARAH BRAVO EP which is going to be on Vinyl. The release party will be taking place on April 30th in Vienna, so be sure to follow the little tweety below for more info and how to reserve your spot!
Also this Saturday our very own DEVOUR UPP will be performing in Pomona. Its an all ages event and the doors are open from 6pm-11pm. Follow the little birdy below for more details :)
Well folks
for this week

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Have you ever wanted to be somebody else? Not another person that is already existing, but a brand new person? Is the fact that the adult figures in your life and possibly your peers telling you, without justification that, you should be happy with who you are, prevented you from exploring the option of being a completely different person? Well I am here to tell you that it is okay to want to be a completely different person. We are all on this planet for a short amount of time. 1 day or 100 years, both are still a short time to be on this planet. It is up to you to experience it the way you want. If you want to take a chance and be a different person, go out and do that. One way you can do that is through art. Poetic Death is a great example of what I am talking about. He holds various alter-egos such as Lord Darcia, Von Poe VII, and I think he has an alter-ego in his duo with EmptySev when they call themselves FLEXXXCOAST. Having an alter-ego in art may be as close as you can get to being a new person (unless you have a psychological disorder). And if you were ever worried about people judging you, no one can ever be justified in judging somebody for having an alter-ego in art. Although I just mentioned Poetic Death as a prime example of alter-egos, what really sparked this thought is EmptySev's latest track entitled Bloody Sabre when he goes by the alter-ego Victor Kreed. As a fan, this is my favorite track created by EmptySev, and it comes as his first released track by his alter-ego Victor Kreed. Experimenting with alter-egos within art can possibly bring out the best in you. Not only that but you may learn a little bit more about yourself. When I think about an alter-ego I figure that although this is an ego that is supposed to be different from the original person, somehow or someway, there are traits of that original person into his or her alter-ego that were stored deep deep inside that persons conscious. Maybe traits and thought processes that the original person was never able to express before but now can thanks to a new life. I believe that that's the coolest thing about a simple name change. You produce things that you may have never thought possible.

This is FiascoTheGod and I am here to supply you with the latest scoop of the Organized Threat camp.

The Birth Of Victor Kreed

As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, EmptySev released a new track under the alter-ego Victor Kreed. It is entitled Bloody Sabre and it is produced by Ruman. Although I was intrigued from line 1 to the last, what really had me going was how EmptySev was able to use his name within Bloody Sabre as Victor Kreed.

yo, trynna fuck wit Vic is like attemptin 7 murdas,
with a spork in your hand, take a step in my land,
a buncha empty bottles and verses written on napkins,

As you can see Victor Kreed was able to sneak EmptySev in those three lines, "7 murdas" and "empty bottles". I don't know if that was done intentionally or not but it was cool to discover that by myself. Whether it was done intentionally or not does not take away from the creativity and effort put behind those lines. I know EmptySev is focused on working on his new album but hopefully, as a greedy fan, he is able to release some more tracks under Victor Kreed. And if he loses the need to want to create more art under that alter-ego, rest in peace to Victor Kreed. 

Latest On The Villain

As we near closer to Poetic Death's release of Only Godz Relate, he lets us know of a track that he is very happy about. Poe tweeted, "Got this track called "Lord Darcia". Very happy with how this came out lol".

Communion, Rusted Hallways and now...well we will see. Poetic Death announced via Twitter that Devour will be on Only Godz Relate (well he doesn't really specify but it's safe to assume so) and it will be produced by Rellim. Poetic Death tweets, "Got this track with my bro @DevourUpp that I KNOW is gonna be dope, and where it's placed on the album is crazy. Produced by @stonedrellim".

Poetic Death has mentioned before that he is thinking of starting a street team and over the weekend he officially introduced to us The VII Villainz Movement. Although it won't be active until June you can like the Facebook page by clicking here and there is also a Twitter account you can follow by clicking here

Poetic Death also let us know via Twitter that he has a track with Rics Rumble, "Man I got this joint with @RicsRumbles right, and this dude drops solid "ouches" throughout his whole verse. Whoa...". I don't know what "ouches" means but it sounds really good! Maybe "ouches" can be a new term to describe dope lines within a verse. Hmmm... 

Let The Writing Begin

Razor lets us know that he has started the writing process for his third album. Although it won't be released for "quite some time" he will be releasing music videos off his first album Sharper Than My Name and his second album F.A.I.T.H. To official see the announcement click here to view his Facebook status. 

Gavlyn Has THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A.

THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. announced via Twitter that he is currently working on a track with Gavlyn. He tweeted "Working on a record with @GavlynAndShit.. Stay tuned". When it comes to beats produced by THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. I think about chill and laid back beats. If this happens then we may see Gavlyn go to work and create something similar to the songs on her Modest Confidence album. THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. does not always deliver what you expect so what I just typed may not be at all what the two have in store for us. Either way, these two are Organized Threat members which means hard work, passion, honesty and creativity will be behind every second of the track.

Continue To FLEXXX

That is the end of my OGT Weekly and so now that we are done, feel free to take a second look at the blog and don't forget to check out Victor Kreed's (EmptySev) new track Bloody Sabre. You can now consider me, FiascoTheGod, your savior. 

Friday, March 7, 2014


Heyyyyy! It's been a busy day over here, but one of the highlights today/tonight was going with my mom to get her first tattoo. She turns 50 on Sunday (and I turn 28 on Monday, geez), so she decided to get one in celebration and because she's wanted one for so long. She took the pain like a champ (along the side of her calf), I'm proud of her. Anyway, let me get into what's been up with the camp since Aster posted on Wednesday. I'm sure tons of things are going on behind the curtains, because not a whole lot has been spoken about publicly since then, except for the following:

POETIC DEATH: With the exception of 2 collaboration tracks that he needs to write with the collaborators in question, Poetic Death announced that he has finished the writing process of his highly anticipated ONLY GODZ RELATE album. The next step--the recording process--begins on Monday, and soon after he'll be flying to Colorado to mix and master it (and film next month's music video with Papa J and Joogy Jugg). April 13th is a little over a month away, are you excited yet?

GAVLYN: Calling all fans in Salt Lake City! Gav has a show tomorrow, on March 8th, at Kilbycourt (flyer). It's an all ages show, and the prices are $10 presale or $15 at the door. You're welcome to get in on the meet and greet if you fork over $25, instead!

JMEGA: JMega shared a brand new True Masterz song today, called "A.T.O.M." Stream it over on Youtube.

YARAH BRAVO: Having returned from France where she performed at the Free Sons Dviers festival (that I previously spoke about here), Yarah posted a few photos that capture her time there (see here). She said, "Hope you all had a nice weekend!! Mine was an adventurous one for sure. But the highlight was coming off stage after rocking on a crazy reggae sound system at a festival in France. And The Wailers, yes THE WAILERS, running, yes running up to me acting like i was the best thing invented since sliced bread. wow wtf . i didn't know what to do with myself, but smile till my face hurt, it was a very cool moment indeed!! Total geeeeek."

Also, with SXSW happening in effect right now, she posted a Throw Back Thursday photo yesterday (view here) where she was hanging out with Janelle Monae. I would totally wear that "Yarah Bravo Is Your Homey" shirt; it's dope!

RAZOR: Razor will be on the bill for the Vegas stop, on March 21st, of The Hunger Pains tour headlined by Wreckonize and Kung Fu Vampire. The show is at The Sky Box. Tickets are $13 presale or $17 at the door (purchase tickets). This is not an all ages show--you have to be 18+ to enter and 21+ to drink (obviously). Find more information right here.


That's it for tonight, guys.
I have a fun weekend ahead of me, yayyyy. Hopefully you do, too.
I hope everyone at SXSW is having an incredible time (wish I were there!),
and continues to post a lot of pictures/videos.
XOXO, Tiffology

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Another coming of the day, another slow creep of the night and we find ourselves engulfed in living our individual and unique HUMPDAY. For some, today marks the middle of the week, for others the beginning or end; for some it represents that never ending 5-o'clock-somewhere feeling, for others it represents a burning in the eyes of the maker---(Can you name the song reference?!). But I guarantee, no matter who's eyes are being looked threw, the way one feels today really depends on subjective perception; you are responsible for your bad mood, not the lady who almost killed you on the 5 because she was too busy trying to paint her toenails. Sure, we all face circumstances out of our control, yet responsibility for how one reacts to uncontrollable circumstances belongs solely up to the perceiver. We have the power to see things as ugly as can be, or as beautiful and tranquil as possible depending, really, on how we want to see things. A good model of someone who understands his perceptive and reactive responsibility is the GENERAL himself VONPOEVII. If you're interested in really understanding the aforementioned concept, tune in to HUSKY RADIO tonight between the wee hours of 8pm-10pm and listen to VONPOEVII'S in depth interview. Follow the little tweety below for more information + the latest and great VONPOEVII news and updates!!! 

Also, if you're anywhere near Germany tonight, be sure to catch our very own RICS RUMBLE performing MAY 2ND  at Kultopia, Hagen. As 'a special guest from LA", RICS RUMBLE has one hell of a show in store for his overseas fans and It wouldn't be something that I'd miss IF I was in the area; just for reference. So, little nymphs and nymphettes, follow the little tweety below for more details regarding the latest and greatest RICS RUMBLE information!
Our very own DJ STARCHILD also recently announced that he will be dropping a NEW MIX in April, as well a new Chiefmasta Starchild logo; April being a very big month for all ORGANIZEDTHREAT members. So keep your eyes, ears, hearts, and minds open for that raw and fresh sound we only know to belong to DJ STARCHILD. So follow the little tweety below and join the conversation! 
If you haven't already, don't forget to listen, share, and download these fresh projects: 
'5:55am' brought to you especially by PAPAJ RUIZ 
and 'All Things Considered' brought to you especially by BONNIE BLUE 
Well, my minions.
for this week.

Monday, March 3, 2014

It's That Organized, It's That Organized....

This is FiascoTheGod and I am here to supply you with the latest Organized Threat scoop.

Honestly, I don't even know what to write about! Not much happened since Friday's OGT Weekly so I am trying to think of an intriguing introduction to the blog but I just can't and it sucks! Besides one new track and one bit of news I have for you guys, the only other thing I can think of mentioning is that Poetic Death's ONLY GODZ RELATE is going to be released next month! He was able to confirm via Twitter what we should expect from the album  "#ONLYGODZRELATE: April 13th, 2014 + 30 Tracks + Duel Disc + and more. #VII". He also tweeted that the second disc of the album is "feature heavy", "DISC TWO is definitely more "feature" heavy, well worth it though" . Even though we don't know everything, what we do know so far is enough for us fans and bloggers to be hyped up about this album. And of course the blogs will have the album up on their site within the hour of its release but the truth is there is no way you can do an accurate and full analysis of a 30 track album. I will be guilty of this when I blog about it on, but it's because people want the news at the soonest possible second! And I am going to type a bunch of general things about the album without even fully understanding every track nor the album as a whole. This is not because it is a 30 track album, it is because it is a project that has been worked on for countless months, maybe years. For me to attempt to go in depth on the album would be disrespectful in my eyes. But, I might actually do it anyway just because of the simple fact that I don't always like to compose general blogs. So I am in a conflict, it is my responsibility to blog about the album within the hour of it's release and on a personal level I don't want to write a crappy general blog but at the same time I feel that's all I will be able to do at that moment. So yeah..this introduction kind of spiraled into a mini venting session. Anyway, to check out the track list so far for ONLY GODZ RELATE click here.

Mega Track

JMega The God has released a new track entitled Mercury. Over this Aquarius Minded produced track, JMega is able to showcase why he has "God" in his name. "In the fire / I'm still standin' in the fire / In the fire / Never get burned". And don't forget to check out his latest visual w/ True Masterz entitled Angelz and Demonz.

Gavlyn Contest

Gavlyn and are having a remix contest! I am not totally clear on how this works but it seems this contest is designed for producers. There are two Gavlyn Acapella's up for purchase. One is Too Cold To Trust and the other is Forward Back. Follow this link to understand how to enter.

Until Next Time

There is your latest in Organized Threat news. In case you were to busy in NYC preparing over the weekend for the snow storm that never happened or you were on the west coast doing...well I don't know what you guys do over there, just consider me, FiascoTheGod, your savior.