Friday, March 28, 2014

Positive Space

This month has been a little hectic for me on the family side of things, where my usual positive energy has had to increase two-to-three fold. Becoming a beacon of light for someone you love who is going through a tough, life altering adjustment is something that has to be done, even though it may require you to suppress your own emotions to remain a strong force for those who cannot. Family is everything. My dad will be getting surgery in a little over a week (to remove a small mass), and the fear that it might be cancerous is frightening (but you have to try to not think about those kind of things, you know?). Ugh, the body is so complex, man. Anyway, I'm over here sipping on a glass of wine while I do a short little write up on what's new with some of the members of the camp. Here we go!

POETIC DEATH: To hold us over until the release of his forthcoming album ONLY GODZ RELATE, Poe updated his previous album, titled VONPOEVII, as a special little treat to his fans. There's an updated album cover and playlist, so go ahead and check that out over at his Bandcamp page.

DEVOUR: Tomorrow, on March 29th, Devour has an all ages show going down in San Diego. It will be $10 to attend, or $30 to obtain VIP access at the Meet & Greet, and received a poster + picture. Have a look at this flyer for more information.

GAVLYN: If you are a fan of Gav on Facebook, you probably saw some behind-the-scenes photos with her and Snoop (see here, here, and here) on the set of Snoop's GGN. How exciting is that?! Look out for that.

VIDA KILLZ: As you might have hoped for, Vida launched the IndieGoGo campaign where you can contribute in pressing up vinyl of her Negative Space album. Incentives include poems, posters, buttons, a free test pressing, collaborative work, a Skype conversation, and more! It's an all or nothing fundraiser, so if you're a fan of this woman's work, you might as well DONATE HERE! Watch her video update below, too.

FEGGY MIN: If you're over there rocking your exclusive Feggy apparel of t-shirts, hoodies, crewnecks, and bags, but wondering how you're going to keep your feet looking fresh and matched up... question no further. She's getting socks next! Tell me you don't want some of those monsters! Anyway, don't forget to hit up BIG Bazar Store Zurich for the next few weeks, where you can buy Feggy merch and clothing, and even meet up with her on some of the days. Stay tuned through her Facebook page.


I hope you all enjoy your weekend.
Appreciate your loved ones; go hug someone you care about.
Good night!
XOXO, Tiffology

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