Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday Weekly Update


What a beautiful week it has been for me, here in the valley, as I hope it has been for you all near and far. Spring semester classes have finally rolled round here at CSUN, like many other institutions, as the holidays fade and the decorations are stowed away until next season. If you're a student, like I am (and forever will be), I know you feel me when I say the first week of the semester is usually the most annoying. I'm talking about extremely long lines, parking nightmares, sleep adjustment, unfamiliar faces, textbooks that nearly cost a fortune, and a long awaited return after your hiatus from discipline.  Discipline plays a key role in the students' toolkit. That being said, I can understand how the transition could cause a bit of unwarranted stress on the body as well as the mental. As a student, I know this stress very well. However, there is a brighter side to all this. There is a free, easy, and efficient way of relieving yourself of this stress. AND nymphs and nymphets, its as easy as click-click-click, sick back, and relax! Any ideas on what it could be? That's right, Simply listening to music does the trick. A strategical way to go about it would be to chose music you can relate to emotionally, for example try listening to music that elicits a emotional responses, whether they be happy, sad, or angry. The point is that their expressive. A phenomenal spoken-word song that helps me elicit an emotional response out of myself, and that I relate to in many different ways is called 'Lend Me Your Ear'. Written by VIDA KILLZ, this spoken word gives her audience a glimpse into her real of love, and the wonderful ideas which form it. 

#BREAKINGNEWS: The spoken-word, as well as a beautifully expressive video to accompany it, was just released today. If you haven't peeped it, I recommend that you do so below. And regardless if ya'll be students or not, we've all been in a similar situation. We all have the capacity to appreciate something as beautiful as raw poetry, that of which is relaxing not only for the bones but for the flesh as well. So give yourself 5 minutes, meditate and appreciate this poetry produced by miss VIDA KILLZ. You are all welcome, freaks and geeks alike. Follow the little tweety below for more information.
#STAYTUNED: Tonight, freaks and geeks, our very own BONNIE BLUE will be interviewed live at 8PM by Huskey Radio. Also recently joining the ranks of the CrappyAwesome podcast, BONNIE BLUE seems to have a busy year ahead of her with such promising projects and publicity. Tune in this evening at 8PM and get to know BONNIE BLUE a bit better. Follow the little tweety below, and stay tuned for more BONNIE BLUE in OGT news.
#RESPECT: RAZOR recently announced that he will be putting together a show next month in honor of 'Black History'. Follow the little tweety below for more information on how to get involved with this event! Make some time to come pay respects with your OGT family!
#BORNDAY-BASH: DEVOUR also recently announced that he will be having his born-day bash February 22nd at Mirror Image Studios in Anaheim Ca. Only 10$ at the door, and the show is set to be explosive. Follow the tweety below and come out to support ya OGT fam for his Born-day! The night is surely going to be one not to miss!
#DONTMISSOUT: If you haven't gotten your own piece of the
I suggest you follow the little tweety below and do so before it's too late! These shirts, featuring artwork off of PAPAJ RUIZ'S latest album NO R3COLL3CTION, are just too badass to stay on the shelf for much longer, I assure you. Just look at the one the general himself VONPOEVII is wearing in the picture below; flawless. So just do us all a favor and go snag one already. The movement is real.

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