Monday, January 20, 2014

Many Producers. One Album

This is FiascoTheGod and I am here to provide you with the latest news surrounding the Organized Threat camp. Lets start off with a HUGE announcement.

Many Producers. One Album.

Every single producer from the Organized Threat camp are currently plotting to release a collaboration album in February. Where am I receiving this news from? Thank you for asking and I am glad you are concerned about the authenticity of this news. The news comes straight from Endure One, an OGT producer. He sent me the following tweet, "@FiascoTheGod There's an instrumental album the Organized Threat producers are going to drop early to mid Feb!". Subsequently he DM'd me more details on the album. After chit-chatting for a year about the possibility of an OGT instrumental album, all producers have finally agreed to release one. The album will include two new beats from each producer and although the album is designed for listening purposes, each instrumental will be available for lease. The tape will be released on many websites including datpiff and bandcamp. There are many reasons to be excited about this tape. First, IT'S MUSIC! Talented producers are putting their egos aside and are coming together to design a project. Secondly, IT'S NEW MUSIC! You are receiving two new beats from each producer. This opportunity allows you to get familiar with each producer and if you have a favorite OGT producer then you are GUARANTEED to receive new music from that person. Last, this could provoke the minds of the OGT MCs and have them thinking about creating a collaborative album of their own. Also, many collaborative tracks and/or projects could begin to surface between producer and producer or producer and producer and MC, and many other various combinations as a result of this album. So many great things to look forward to in this album being put together by the Organized Threat producers coming in February. Check out the Organized Threat roster to see all the Organized Threat producers by clicking here.

Somthin' You Got

What attracts you to somebody? Is it something unexplainable? EmptySev, "The Future Within The Future", has released a new track entitled "Somthin' You Got". EmptySev is infatuated with this dream like female. Actually that's exactly what she is. EmptySev wakes up to a dream of an encounter with this dreamy female and it is very fitting that he doesn't have a rational explanation for his infatuation. Occurrences in dreams are very rarely ever rational. EmptySev invites you into his dream with "Somethin' You Got" which can be listened to by clicking here. His album "SEVEN EMPTY" will be released on March 7th.

Reasons To Celebrate

The announcement of an album composed by every OGT producer and the release of a new EmptySev track are reasons to celebrate but, there's more. EmptySev also celebrated his birthday this past weekend! You can view a photo of him with Poetic Death, Razor, THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A., Bonnie Blue, Rics Rumble, and Jasson C by clicking here. Bonnie Blue nearing the completion of her music video is another reason to celebrate! She sent out the following tweet "Just near wrapping my music vid tonight w/ wooooop!". But calm down! That doesn't mean that they are all featured on her track. Maybe some are but they are most likely just making an appearance in the video. Another reason to celebrate is Rics Rumble making Snoop Dogg's "UNDERGROUND HEAT" list coming in at #6 with his video "I'm Broke"! Congratulations! You can view his video on Snoop Dogg's countdown by clicking here and view the video in its entirety by clicking here.
Random Organized Threat Tweet

Today's random Organized Threat tweet comes from Poetic Death. He tweeted, "We'd get there a lot faster if we all went in the same car, but everyones tryin to drive solo. You all buy gas from the same pump #LetsFocus". What I really like about this tweet is that it ties in perfectly with what the Organized Threat producers are currently doing. They are all going "in the same car" and are aimed at being focus on their album being a success.

What More Do You Want From Me?

There is your latest Organized Threat news. I have confidence that I have supplied you with a sufficient amount of news to get you through until Wednesday when the next OGT Weekly will be posted. Consider me, FiascTheGod, your savior.  

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