Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hello OGT Friends and Fanatics, Friends and Foes

One of the most important aspects about being part of a family, or having love for anyone in general for that matter, is about being able to be there in times of need. More specifically, its about not just being there, but making an effort to be there for the beloved as they go through dire straits. Long lasting friendships [FOR THE MOST PART] don't thrive on how many bitches twerk in your face at night, nor on the amount of money you have sitting in that stupid bank you hate who always charges you those damn overdraft fees. Long lasting friendships thrive on genuinity, determination, and of course a ridiculously insurmountable amount of love and care. The ferocity of love and care developed through long lasting friendship not only helps us learn more about ourselves, but love is benevolent power. And I'm not talking only power in the metaphorical sense fellas and fellettes, but a power that can be felt. Never heard of such a thing? Well I recommend you pay close attention to the relationship between DEVOUR and VON POE VII, because the love they share as brothers exemplifies the paradigm I speak of. If you haven't already heard, DEVOUR is recovering from a car accident that scared the shit out of the family. So keep DEVOUR in your thoughts ya'll, to motivate a speedy recovery.
Some fantastic fucking news! THE F.O.R.M.U.L.A has been featured in OGM Magazine, so follow the link below to view his feature and support ya OGT fam!
Miss GAV is also prowling her way around London as you read, and I hear she will be having a show at the New Era London Flagship. So if any of you nymphs or nymphets are in the area, support your OGT artist and attend this shit. Follow the little tweet below for intricate details.
Peep this shit little ones, VIDA KILLZ just dropped some new visuals today for her song 'Slowing Down'. So if you haven't seen it, well then my badass-ness strikes yet again! For I have provided it below. Enjoy the visuals, and vibe out to the poetry.

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