Friday, October 11, 2013

Peace and Positivity!

What's up everyone!

I'm Tiffny, the other half of CrayonBeats! Tiffology and I have been blogging together for almost 8 years and during that time, quickly came to realize that although our tastes in music are a bit different, we fundamentally share the same mind when it comes to blogging: post what you love. In the early days of blogging together, we quickly came to realize that we didn't want to contribute the negative aspects of the music blogosphere as it was/is saturated with such as it is already. Not only that, but constantly ranting about or dissing a certain musician/genre gets boring not only for the writers (I hope) but for the readers as well. A while back I read an interview with adult actor Richie Calhoun about male performers in the adult film industry. Hold on, hear me out! This is going somewhere I promise! Anywho, even though his interview was mainly about expounding on the bias male performers receive, he touched on the subject of "haters" and I really thought his outlook was great, that it totally could be applied (and advised) to many-a blogger and twitter-er, and that it solidified the decision we made. To quote the part that stood out to me, "Feel free to hate on excellence or ineptitude — it’s your time and you can waste it however you please." There you go, that's it. I mean after reading that, I took a look at the twitters I followed, blogs I read, and even the posts I personally made and while it's true, everyone has the right to waste their time as they pleased, did I really want to waste my time reading and posting negativity? Nope! So basically, waste more time on things you like or love and those around you will grow in that love. You'll feel much better about it and yourself! Of course this is not to say that one can't express their displeasure with someone/something because having a completely polarized view is unrealistic however, finding the right balance isn't that difficult. Maybe for you it's a 60/40 split, 80/20, or 90/10 split. Whatever it is, before you go off on a rant, or click that link to a snarky gossip blog, think to yourself...does it matter? Is it helping or not? If the answer is yes, then go ahead, vent! But just remember if more than half of the things you read/post are full of negativity then it's more than likely going to make you and those around feel like crap. Like the old saying goes, misery loves company so don't even give it the time of day. Are you following a slew of Debbie Downers, Jerky Johnnys and Carla Complains-Alots on twitter, tumblr or wherever? If so, first try being their positive light, as they may need you to be. You don't even have to do something drastic, just simply ask them about something they love. Ask them for recommendations to a restaurant or movie. Suggest they blog a topic on something you know they enjoy. If after so long, it becomes evident that they're stuck on being sour, then it's time to start cleaning your sphere of influence. Let them go. If they ask (although they probably won't even notice) just tell them that it isn't them, it's their social media behavior. After you've rid yourself of the negative vibes, it's time to surround yourself with those that inspire you; those that make you want to do great things as well. In doing this, you'll be engulfed in the right light to breed your own creativity and progress. If you're a musician, blogger, visual artist, or just someone who enjoys the work of others, I can guarantee that when you're around those who bring out the best in you, others see it, feed off of it and prosper as well. Just the same as when you're around negativity. So once more, waste time on things you like, and appreciate the positive "wasted time" of others! Your blood pressure will thank you. By now, you're probably asking, "Tiff, what the hell does any of this have to do with you writing for Organized Threat?!" Well, I'll tell you. Back when we first started blogging together, Tiffology would often post on CrayonBeats about OGT members, their music and goings-on and in all honesty the purity and passion for which they do their thing always radiates positive energy. Every single one on the Organized Threat roster lives up to that sentiment of "do more of what you like" and encourages positivity and growth within themselves and their fanbase. So when Tiff told me that Poe invited us to join them on the OGT Weekly blog, I was extremely humbled and excited. And with that being said, when reading my posts, I hope that I can live up to the positivity of Organized Threat as a whole, and bring my own light to help others realize theirs. TLDR VERSION: I'm Tiffny. I'm inspired by positivity and I try to inspire others with my positivity. I hope I do you guys proud! I'll leave you guys with Bluebird by DJ Vadim feat Yarah Bravo and BluRum13. I was introduced to this track by Tiffology back in the early days of blogging together, and it was the first time I'd been exposed to an artist from Organized Threat. Enjoy and spread the positive vibes.

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