Monday, February 3, 2014

Untitled 2/3/2014

This is FiascoTheGod and I am here to supply you with the latest news from the Organized Threat camp.

For those of you who currently follow the WWE you are most likely aware of the rumor that CM Punk is no longer with the company. CM Punk over the past few years has become a very important talent for the WWE as the fans love him whether he is a heel (a bad guy) or a face (a good guy). To get straight to the point, a very important superstar is no longer with the WWE, the biggest wrestling company in the world. This recent story has me pondering the thought, what if a current member of Organized Threat decided to leave? I have kept up with Organized Threat for the past year and I have noticed at least two people have separated from the camp. Maybe there has been more. Names are not important in this case. With the two losses that I am aware of, they didn't seem to disrupt the entire Organized Threat movement. But, each day I truly believe that the fan base or at least the awareness of Organized Threat is growing. Although this may be true, I do not feel that losing anyone from the Organized Threat movement would be a major loss at this point. The only person that will disrupt the Organized Threat movement is the general himself, Poetic Death. What am I trying to say? I honestly have no idea but it sounded really good when I thought of it last night. The main reason for me to compare the WWE's loss of CM Punk to Organized Threat is to simply think about what would happen if anyone from the current Organized Threat roster left. I am a thinking guy and when I thought about it I didn't think that any OGT loss besides the general himself would hurt them. They have a huge roster of talent from 13 MC's, 9 producers, 3 DJs, and 2 artists. I don't know how every OGT fan feels but personally I do not feel connected with everyone on the roster yet. It may take me another year or so to fully understand and appreciate each individual talent. One loss along the way of my journey won't alter my entire thought of Organized Threat. When CM Punk left the WWE my thought about the company and CM Punk as a person was altered. I thought WWE was really stupid for not catering to the needs of CM Punk because he is one of their top guys. On the other hand I thought it was unprofessional of CM Punk to quit without any notice, giving the creative team less than 24 hours to fix the script of their live show.  Also, because Organized Threat is not yet as worldwide as the WWE, the subtraction and addition of members is not known to the current fan base to be a big deal. Because of this, the current members of Organized Threat should realize that they will soon hold a big responsibility when their "WWE" time comes. I previously stated the numbers of the Organized Threat roster so lets move on to their latest cypher with 6 MCs, 1 producer, and 1 DJ....

Child's Play

Yesterday the camp released a cypher video and entitled it "Child's Play". Hosted by DJ Starchild and produced by THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A., verses include Rics Rumble, Jasson C, Poetic Death, Razor, JMega The God, and Papa J. Ruiz. Every MC did their thing and proved why they are a part of Organized Threat. THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. has mentioned to me before that he used to rap and when he stepped up to the plate at the end of the video I thought he was about to deliver some serious bars! He fooled us! If you guys want to hear THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. spit a verse, tweet him at @JustinMuzack with the hashtag, #WeWantAVerseFromTHAFORMULA.

Three Beats, One FORMULA

Organized Threat producer THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. has stated via Twitter that he will soon release 3 new beats for our listening pleasure. He tweeted, "Got 3 new beats dropping soon!". With no specific date, just be on your toes and constantly check his Twitter to see if anything has been released.

Much more coming from THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. due to his recent release entitled "Heart Beat". This new sound captures its listeners into a calm environment. With the combination of the track title, artwork, and sound, I can't help but picture myself slowly free falling into a crazy mixture of vibrant colors. You can view the artwork and listen to "Heart Beat" by clicking here.

THA 7th

It seems that Poetic Death is keeping the strategy and promise to himself and to his fans that he will be releasing a music video every 7th of the month. He recently sent out a tweet stating, "#REALQUICK: I have some new visuals coming soon folks! Until then, enjoy the current visuals. #VII #ORGANIZEDTHREAT". That tweet also includes his latest music video that he released on January 7th entitled "THE VILLAIN". The instrumental to that track is from 50 Cent's "This Is Murder Not Music" produced by The Audible Doctor. The question for this upcoming video is if his poetry will be delivered over a new instrumental. Although he does not specify a date, be ready for a music video on February 7th.

Random Organized Threat Tweet

Today's random Organized Threat tweet goes to Gavlyn! It may be difficult to believe but Gavlyn has never let one loose until recently. And by "letting one loose" I am talking about farts. Gavlyn confirms that she is a human by finally farting! Gavlyn tweeted, "I have never farted in my life till like 5 minutes ago Woah". Well Gavlyn, thank you for sharing and I wish nothing but healthy farts from here on out!

Don't Fourget

Vote for Devour in Power 106's "WHO's NEXT?" contest by clicking here.
EP: Vida Killz x Self Destruct "Phantom Loose Leaves"
Video: Gavlyn "Guilty Pleasure"
Video: Organized Threat "For The Moment"

That's All Folks

I hope you enjoyed my awkward and unorganized paragraph of mentioning CM Punk leaving the WWE and leading that into a discussion of how Organized Threat would be if they currently lost one of their members. Most importantly we received a new Organized Threat cypher and a new sound from THA F.O.R.M.U.L.A. And in case you missed that over this past weekend, consider me, FiascoTheGod, your savior. 


  1. I love that you do not merely report the news on OGT. This is exactly what writers should do, which is add their personality. Great blog mayne.

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate it. I will continue to do my best.


  2. Great introduction to the topic :)

    1. Thank you for the kind words! Greatly appreciated.

