Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Every Generation Deserves a Villain


I titled this Wednesday #OGT weekly addition 'Every Generation Deserves a Villain' because, if you follow VONPOEVII as closely as i do, you'd understand how often and fervent he expresses the idea behind the phrase. And, you know, it's really got me wondering what the fuck a villain is. My nature as a philo-sophizer entices my desire to better understand the meaning or characteristics that define the word, and the best way to gain a more thorough comprehension of what a villain really is and anything for the matter is through examination of the origin; its fundamental parts. To me it seems that villains are essentially agents of disruption; they are the war to the peace of the story, the chaos within a world of order. Now when i feel naughty i play devil's advocate and I let myself wonder; is it possible for these two opposites to exist one-without-the-other? Would we really know peace if we didn't know war? Would we really know virtue if not fully aware of what it isn't, it's vice? Would we really be able to appreciate eudaimonia if first we did not know human degradation? It seems to me that a villain, or the idea behind one, is not only an essential part of our notion of human happiness but also an integral part of our notion of existence. Besides, at the end of the day, we all need a little disruption or else we'll never find the path paved to El dorado. 

Anyways, the general himself VONPOEVII just updated to let us know that #ONLYGODZRELATE will be available on Itunes, Spotify, and other great stations within 3 to 5 days! So follow this little birdy below for the most intricate of details regarding the lovely VONPOEVII himself!
Attention RICS RUMBLE fans! RICS RUMBLE just released some new visuals titled 'Just Another Hip Hop Track'! If you haven't gotten the chance to check out the video, please do so below. You'll regret it if you don't, because RICS RUMBLE is not one known to disappoint! #OGT 
Also, don't forget to come wish RICS RUMBLE a safe trip overseas as we celebrate his departure at the 818 Takeover this weekend!!! The event takes place in Sherman Oaks Ca and the doors open at 6PM. So, see you there? Follow the little birdy below for the most intricate directional details little freaks, and en joy.

Our own VIDA KILLZ recently announced that she will be compiling her short stories within a book! The poetry we've already beheld is outta this world, so I personally am extra excited to see what kind of knowledge miss VIDA KILLZ passes down to us within those pages to come. Follow the little birdy below for the latest updates regarding the formulation of miss VIDA KILLZ book! 
If you happened to miss the fabulous 4/20 Rhymefest this year, do not fear nymphs and nymphettes! Please take a gander at the photo below of RAZOR and DJSTARCHILD before rocking the stage #OGT
Miss FEGGY MIN also recently released new FEGGY MIN bags that come in a variety of different colors! Follow the little birdy below and browse for yourself, pick one out and definitely one for your girl. Don't stop there, check out the rest of the site! Support your local OGT artist, you know you want to ;)
Last but certainly not leastly! Those of you over in or around Whittier, don't forget to stop by and pay homage to YOUNG DEVOUR this Saturday! Its an all ages show, the doors open at 6pm, and from then on out who knows?! Make sure to follow the little birdy below to snag your spot to see the one and only YOUNG DEVOUR!!! 
Well, you freaks
Until next
Happy Surfing

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